> Neutrosophic logic toolbox Package_ Neutrosophic Matrices > Neutrosophic logic toolbox Package_ Neutrosophic Matrices/@nm/nm.m

    function nm_out=nm(varargin);
% neutrosophic matrix class constructor.
%   mi = inuti(Am,An) creates a neutrosophic matrix
%   with memberhip degrees from matrix Am
%   and non-membership degres from Matrix An.
% If the new matrix is not intuitionistic i.e. Am(i,j)+An(i,j)>1 
% appears warning message, but the new object will be constructed.
%In the Name of ALLAH
% neutrosphic logic toolbox for computing single valued neutrosophic Matrices 
% Copyright (C) 2015-2019 Broumi said 
%for for details see the refrence:  
%Said Broumi, Le Hoang Son, Assia Bakali, Mohamed Talea, Florentin Smarandache,
%Ganeshsree Selvachandran, Computing Operational Matrices in Neutrosophic Environments:
%A Matlab Toolbox,Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, 18,2017,pp.58-66.
% neutrosphic logic toolbox for computing single valued neutrosophic Matrice comes 
% This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribut;see license.txt for details.
if length(varargin)==3
    Am = varargin{1}; % Cell array indexing
    Ai = varargin{2};
	An = varargin{3};


if ~checknm(nm_out)
    disp('Warning! The created new object is NOT an neutrosophic matrix')